
Ready to enroll?
We hope to meet you soon

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of educational discovery with us? Explore our comprehensive enrollment process, discover the warmth of our community, and take the first step towards unlocking your child’s potential and shaping their future at Green Acorn Daycare and Kindergarten. We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you into our family!
+254 722 382 410
+254 720 265 335
The process


Take a tour

Visit our facilities, meet our staff, and explore our vibrant learning environment firsthand to experience Green Acorn.


Submit application

Complete and submit the application form online or in-person to initiate the enrollment process.


Meet and greet

Join us for a friendly meeting to discuss your child's needs, goals, and to address any questions.


Secure a spot

Once accepted, finalize enrollment by completing required paperwork and securing your child's spot in our program.

Required enrollment documents

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Open chat
Welcome to GreenAcorn Daycare and Kindergarten, where love, laughter, and learning bloom every day! 🌟🎨🌳